Each part of our bodies has its own natural frequency. We are vibrational beings and when we’re healthy, all of our cells, tissues, and organs are vibrating in harmony.

Sound healing assists in reducing tension and stress while restoring harmony, energy, and balance to the body, mind, and spirit. Experience these healing vibrations as soothing sound waves emanating from various instruments and tuning forks wash over and transcend you to a place of deep relaxation and inner peace.

Lori Manske’s intuitive healings are inspired by the teachings of Somaenergetics, Eileen Mckusick and the Academy of Sound.

The Sound Journey Experience

This video is a small sample of what you can expect during a sound healing.

Lori Manske plays her crystal pyramid, which has an ethereal resonating sound as it moves around your body while you lie in an extended shavasana or sit in a comfortable seated posture.

A symphony of instruments are played in these sessions, including a crystal lyre, several crystal bowls, tuning forks, and a Native American drum. Sound healings are deeply relaxing as the notes work together in harmony to balance the body’s energy centers. Each session is closed with the beautiful scent of burning sage or palo santo wood to seal in the journey.

Lori also incorporates sound in her chakra balancing restorative yoga classes, along with guided meditations, aromatherapy, and the healing vibrations of tuning forks gently placed directly on the body.